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California Healthy Kids Survey

Survey Information

The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is the largest statewide survey of resiliency, protective factors, and risk behaviors in the nation. It is a powerful tool for use in Grades 6-12 that can help schools and districts accurately identify areas of student and school strengths and weaknesses, and address related needs. It provides a comprehensive, data-driven, decision-making process to guide efforts to improve school climate, learning supports, and engagement, as well as identify and increase the quality of health, prevention, and youth development programs.

Across California, the CHKS has led to a better understanding of the relationship between students' health behaviors and academic performance, and is frequently cited by state policymakers and the media as a critical component of school improvement efforts to help guide the development of more effective health, prevention, and youth development programs.

TTUSD administers this survey to 6th, 7th, 9th, & 11th graders on a bi-annual basis.  All parents are notified when the survey will be administered.  Sixth grade students require active parent consent.  Please read the information below for Elementary, Middle School, and High School. 

2020-2021 Results

Secondary Grades 6-8
Secondary High School

2022-2023 Question Preview / Vista previa de las preguntas

CLICK on the links below to preview the permission forms and the survey questions. 
HAGA CLIC en los siguientes enlaces para ver los formularios de permiso y las preguntas de la encuesta.

Email to Parents - English
Correo electrónico a los Padres - Español 

Elementary School - Escuela Primaria

This survey is given to all 6th-grade students with parent permission
Esta encuesta se le da a todos los estudiantes de 6º grado con el permiso de los padres

Active Parent Permission 6th gr. (Opt in or out) - English
Permiso activo para padres de 6º grado ( Optar por participar o no) - Español 

Core Questions/Preguntas básicas - English / Español 
Social-Emotional Questions/Preguntas socio-emocionales - English / Español 

Middle School - Escuela Secundaria

This survey is given to 7th grade students
Esta encuesta se da a los estudiantes de 7º grado

Passive Parent Permission gr. 7, 9, 11 (Opt out) - English
Permiso pasivo para padres de gr. 7, 9, 11 ( Optar por no participar) - Español 

Core Questions - English
Preguntas básicas - Español 

Social Emotional Questions - English
Preguntas Socio-Emocionales - Español 

Supplemental Questions - English
Preguntas complementarias - Español 

High School - Preparatoria

This survey is given to 9th & 11th grade students.
Esta encuesta se les da a los estudiantes de los grados 9 y 11.

Passive Parent Permission gr. 7, 9, 11 (Opt out) - English
Permiso pasivo para padres de gr. 7, 9, 11 ( Optar por no participar) - Español   

Core Questions - English
Preguntas básicas- Español 

Social Emotional Questions - English
Preguntas socio-emocionales - Español  

Supplemental Questions - English
Preguntas complementarias - Español